Diseases of the Kidneys
Chronic Renal Failure
Our program is carried out by specialists in INTERNAL MEDICINE AND NEPHROLOGY. We are not alternative practitioners! We are the only entity in Colombia that treats kidney disease with ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE!

The PreveniRe Institute is one of the few entities in Colombia that has an ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE program for the management of chronic kidney disease.
Conventional nephrology has failed to slow the incidence of renal failure. And in the other hand, the "Prevention programs" are being controlled by entities that have as main interest to do dialysis treatments; Which keeps them away from good prevention!

That is why it is not convenient to place the care of your renal health to the entities that live of providing services of Dialysis!
You can not leave taking care of the sheep to the wolf!
In the world there are several ALTERNATIVE strategies that are used to try to stop the progression of kidney failure. I describe some of those used by the PreveniRe Institute in its program MERC-5 (Medical Management of Stage 5 Chronic Renal Disease)
1- Controlling the generation of UREA: UREA is a toxin that is only eliminated by the kidney and comes from protein-based foods. Alpha keto analogues are medicines that provide the essential amino acids (proteins) without generating a greater load of UREA. Thus the diseased kidneys work less! People with advanced kidney failure can stop the progression of the disease and thus enter into DIALISIS with this drug. DO NOT REPLACE DIALYSIS! ... but if we have succeeded in many people who are referred to dialysis, avoid their entry with the MERC-5 program which is a particular development of the PREVENIRE INSTITUTE
Teplan V, Schuck O, Votruba M, Poledne R, Kazdova L, Skibova J, Maly J. Metabolic effects of keto acid--amino acid supplementation in patients with chronic renal insufficiency receiving a low-protein diet and recombinant human erythropoietin--a randomized controlled trial. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2001 Sep 17;113(17-18):661-9. [Sólo abstract]
2 - Controlling Oxidative Stress: In the process of cellular respiration that is where our body gets energy, they generate compounds called FREE RADICALS that, when not cleaned by the kidney, generate OXIDATIVE STRESS. Diseases of the kidneys run with excess free radicals. We use ANTIOXIDANTS such as Glutathione, Alfalipoic Acid, Sodium Ascorbate, Etc; Which help to reduce the degree of oxidation and therefore the progression of Chronic Disease.
Estrés Oxidativo y Disfunción Endotelial en la Enfermedad Renal Crónica. Valeria Costa-Hong, Luiz Aparecido Bortolotto, Vanda Jorgetti, Fernanda Consolim-Colombo, Eduardo M Krieger. Arq Bras Cardiol 2009;92(5):398-403
3- Modulating the inflammatory response: The inflammatory process should be understood as a complex systemic response to pernicious agents. Inflammation is a defense mechanism of the organism, which attempts to eliminate or combat this agent / stimulus and initiate the healing process. Thus, although initially pro-inflammatory cytokine production has a beneficial effect on the organism, its chronic and sustained elevation translates into detrimental effects, and this is the picture that appears to be present in chronic kidney disease.
In the case of chronic renal failure and especially in advanced stages, the systemic concentrations of both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines are increased and this imbalance can be stabilized with homeopathic medicine. The use of HOMEOPATHIC SHIELD continuously restrains chronic inflammation.
4- Nourishing the sick cell: There are nutritional supplements based on protein hydrolyzates (Peptonas) that nourish the kidney without generating more garbage and without another organ seize or compete for food! These types of supplements are known as SPECIFIC CELLULAR NUTRITION.
In Colombia, it is possible to find protein hydrolysates with INVIMA registration as a nutritional supplement and the therapy has shown to be a safe and effective alternative in the control of some chronic diseases. And many centers to further minimize the risks, combine them with diet, some conventional medications and with a change in the lifestyle of the sick person!
5 - Regenerative Medicine: And finally there are serious and scientific studies that demonstrate the use of regenerative medicine (stem cells), is giving very good results in the treatment of Chronic Renal Failure. And there are Harvard University groups that already apply this treatment with encouraging results!

The medicine of the future ..... today!
MERC-5 has in many cases been able to delay dialysis in more than 18 months from the time the patient be ordered with dialysis! We are proud of our achievements and are continually motivated to provide natural solutions that improve the quality of life for people with kidney diseases.
The success of the therapy depends on how soon the treatment starts once the Renal Insufficiency has been diagnosed!
NEPHROLOGY takes care of the problems of the kidneys; And UROLOGY is responsible for urinary tract problems. Many problems of the urinary tract can lead to damage in the kidneys: Urinary infections, Kidney stones, growth of the prostate, some congenital malformations such as vesico-ureteral reflux, among others. That is why the competition of these two specialties go hand in hand in those problems.
Other chronic KIDNEYS diseases:

Urinary Incontinence, Prostate Syndrome, Urinary Tract Infections, Congenital Malformations, and some others!

It is a very frequent manifestation. Much more in women in men. The reason? ... the women have a shorter urethra than men.
But not always that there are manifestations of:
Frequent flywheel
Push to urinate
Strong ointment urine
----- you are facing a urine infection !. While cystitis in most cases is due to infection, NOT ALWAYS IS IT !. That is why it´s important that before these symptoms, you consult a doctor to establish the cause.
There are cases where the doctor orders the urine culture and once the sample is taken, the treatment is started while the result comes out. If it is an infection and the antibiotic that is started is in agreement with the bacteria, the treatment is followed. otherwise, it is changed to the appropriate antibiotic.
At the PreveniRe Institute before starting an antibiotic, we initiate measures that improve the symptoms until we have the URINE CULTURE.

Urinary incontinence is a complication of many older adults. But it is also common in young people. It is more frequent in women than in men and its cause is multifactorial. No matter the cause, it is an uncomfortable and predisposing condition to urinary tract infections.
When urinary incontinence is also accompanied by frequent infections, the chance of doing damage to your kidneys is very high.
Our management program includes exercises and home remedies that will change your life! .. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A SLAVE from the bathrooms! ... We can help you.

Of the urinary tract are becoming more frequent !.
Modern life, global warming and the type of food and other factors, force us to make water consumption equal to or greater than 2 liters of water per day. And when you do not consume this amount, our kidneys have to concentrate the urine to the point that they favor the formation of STONES.
This condition is more common in people who live in hot weather and is more frequent in people with a family history.
Were you diagnosed with kidney stones? We can help you! DO NOT let your kidneys suffer.