Functional Medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality of each individual as a whole: BODY-MIND-SPIRIT.

All the care programs practiced by Instituto PreveniRe are Functional Medicine programs that strictly follow a person-centered focus and not on the disease; Addressing more fully the health needs of the 21st century.

Functional Medicine treats the whole person, not only treating a group of isolated symptoms but also spending enough time to listen, inquire and correlate all the factors involved in a person's health: genetic, environmental, lifestyle, and Spirituality, among others, that may have an influence on health and the complex problems that could trigger a chronic disease.

FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE is not a medical specialty !, but a way of exercising the art of medicine focusing all its tools in the approach and management of chronic diseases.

All programs (NOT IMPORTING THE SPECIALTY) consist of THREE phases and is what we have called THE PREVENIRE METHOD:

1- Drainage and detoxification.

2- Restoration of the basic cell´s functions.

3- Regenerate damaged cells.


In 1966 the Austrian embryologist Alfred Pischinger discovered the importance of the regulatory role of connective tissue in the health of an organism.

Until then it was considered as a simple filling and support tissue, but Pischinger discovered that in the connective tissue many basic functions are performed for life and when this tissue is contaminated, the cell suffers the consequences.

It is like a fish inside an aquarium that suffers when the water is contaminated.

All the cells of the body get their nutrients from the connective tissue. And the acidity or alkalinity state of this environment is fundamental for a good functioning of the cell.

But to this tissue is where the cell also dumps the waste of its metabolism and is when the system of cleaning the connective tissue fulfills its greatest function.

This tissue is also known as the "Extracellular Matrix".

The nutrients that the blood carries, must pass through the Extracellular Matrix to reach the cell. In turn, toxic wastes from the cell will pass through the matrix to be absorbed by the venous system when its size is less than 10,000 amstrong and if it is larger, will be collected by the lymphatic vessels, which are also present in the matrix Extracellular. Once in the blood these waste substances must be removed by the kidney or liver, otherwise they would accumulate around the cell affecting its integrity and leading to its death.

In this way, the nutrition and cleaning of the cell, should be done through this extracellular matrix and hence its important role in the well-being of the cell.

When the connective tissue begins to change its structure, as a result of the presence of toxic substances, changes occur in its gelatinous composition, becoming a kind of paste that also affects the electrical transmission of the nervous system which leads to alterations in the signals Which receives the cell.

It is these substances that we drain in the first phase of "detoxification", and we do it with injectable nutrients to achieve the effect immediately. This type of treatment is known as orthomolecular medicine!


Cell functions are restored in 3 levels:

- Restoration of energy functions

- Restoration of biochemical functions

- Restoration of neuroendocrine functions

The main tool in this phase is the use of HOMEOPATHY and nutrients with curative capacity (NUTRACEUTICAL FOODS) in an alkaline diet.

The main objective in this phase of restoration of basic functions is to give the cell its capacity to take control in the healing process. And this healing is in BODY-MIND-SPIRIT.

In this phase we continue to maintain, in most cases, conventional medicines in addition to associating homeopathy, nutraceutical foods and other drugs of biological origin. For example: in the process of intestinal cleansing completed the drainage phase, Pre-biotic, bio-biotic and pro-biotics are used to restore intestinal flora.

Another example is when the person has dysfunction of the thyroid gland, once the drainage phase is completed, phytonutrients and nutraceutical drugs are used that improve the sensitivity of the receptors to release the hormone properly.

In this phase the diet plays a fundamental role, that is why the person is valorda by a specialist in nutrition and dietetics as part of the management plan.


Our body has the ability to REGENERATE damaged cells! ... and this is different than REPAIR!

But man has been losing this ability as the cell becomes contaminated! ... then the process is no longer of regeneration but of repair!

In 1961 before the discovery of stem cells by Till and McCulloch, the concept of "Cell Therapy" arose, which involves introducing or inducing the proliferation of pluri-potential stem cells inside or outside the organism and they restore or regenerate the damaged cells .

A stem cell is a non-differentiated pluri-potential cell that has the ability to become cells of different types thus forming distinct structures or tissues. Stem cells differ according to their differentiation potential:

- Toti-potential stem cells: capable of producing embryonic and extra-embryonic tissue

- Pluri-Potential Stem Cells: They have the ability to differentiate into tissues from any of the three embryonic layers.

- Multi-potential stem cells: They are able to differentiate into different types of cells from the same embryonic layer.

It appears that the mechanism by which stem cells act is:

- Cell fusion

- Activation of local stem cells

- Proliferation of local cardiomyocytes

- By paracrine effects

- More than one of these mechanisms of action are likely to be implemented.

Due to soluble molecules and cytokines that act specifically as growth factors, cellular trans-differentiation, cell fusion or an autocrine or paracrine effect is achieved. Cells residing through release or contact factors then stimulate the transplanted cells to trans-differentiate into the surrounding resident cell type and thus allow their integration into the affected tissue.

But it is also believed that these stimuli induce a cellular fusion between the resident cells and the transplanted cells, creating new cells with functional characteristics identical to the resident cells thus achieving tissue regeneration.

In these processes the cytokines present in the transplanted cells are of particular importance that also stimulate the resident cells, allowing:

1- Differentiation of damaged tissue cells.

2 - Settling of the implanted cells which emit new signals that attract more stem cells or progenitors that end up participating in the regeneration process.

3- Release of water-soluble molecules with autocrine and paracrine effects.

4- Maintain self-renewal, proliferation and functions of resident cells.

5- Exercise an anti-inflammatory effect.

6- Inhibit apoptosis.

7- Stimulate angiogenesis.

8- Stimulate and protect healthy cells

Cell therapy is intended to regenerate destroyed or damaged tissues and induce hematopoiesis, angiogenesis, myogenesis and neurogenesis and in some cases carry therapeutic genes to treat some mono gene diseases.

The PREVENIRE method is a form of complementary medicine ...

Many chronic diseases are improved with the PREVENIRE Method! 

I will begin by saying: "I do not know what would happen to my life if I stopped feeling the love of God" ... "I do not know how I would act if I stopped feeling the Lord's company" ... "I do not know how to practice my profession if Not for the glory of God. " (Dr. Pedro A. González L). Author...