Our medical manager
I will begin by saying: "I do not know what would happen to my life if I stopped feeling the love of God" ... "I do not know how I would act if I stopped feeling the Lord's company" ... "I do not know how to practice my profession if Not for the glory of God. "
Doctor Pedro A. González Lombana,
He is a Surgeon Doctor from the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla since 1985, Specialist in Internal Medicine and Nephrology at the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá: 1987-1991, Active member of the Colombian Society of Internal Medicine and Nephrology since 1995, Coordinator of the postgraduate program In nephrology at Juan N Corpas University in 2003, Associate Professor in Nephrology at Juan N Corpas University until 2012, diplomat in Alternative Medicine at the University of Rosario in 2014, Scientific Director of the PreveniRe Institute since 2003 and until now, Medical Coordinator of the Choco Nephrological Institute From 2014 until today, Member of the Latin American Society of Telemedicine from 2014 until now, Member of the scientific technical committee of the Orthomolab Pharmacy since 2015 and until now, Medical Coordinator of the Renal Unit in the Hospital San Rafael in Facatativá, Cundinamarca from 2016 until today and author of the book: "The healing power of our spirit" in 2016.